Saturday, June 13, 2009

We Depart on One Week

It is a little hard to believe that we leave in one week. Christine Roe pointed out to me last night that about a year ago, it didn't look like we'd really make it. The cost of the trip (approximately $3,000 per pilgrim) was going to simply be too much for most of our travelers. We did some things that helped get the fundraising ball rolling - doughnut sales and soda sales, but it was the very generous contribution of two families at St. Mark who do not even have pilgrims traveling with us that allowed us to know that we really could do this if we wanted to.

What really made a difference for making the pilgrimage possible was Christine Roe and her formation of Team WWG (Walk with God). Christine, along soon after with Steve Krist, organized scores of projects for our pilgrims to raise the money that made this trip possible. Nearly $40,000 was raised over the year, bringing the cost per pilgrim to below $900. Thanks to our generous benefactors, thanks to Christine Roe and Steve Krist, thanks to everyone who hired a Team WWG pilgrim to do a job, thanks to everyone who made a contribution and to everyone who believed that this trip was possible, we are headed to Spain!

In ancient times, many people who couldn't make a pilgrimage themselves dedicated themselves to aiding pilgrims on their way. All of you who, by your prayers and contributions, have helped make this pilgrimage possible now stand in the line of all of those people over all those ages have helped pilgrims make it down the road. The trip wouldn't be possible without you.

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